Effect should nevertheless be given to those mandatory rules of national, supranational and international law which, according to the relevant rules of private international law, are applicable irrespective of the law governing the contract. 然而,当国内的、超国家的和国际的强制法依据相关的国际私法规则可得适用时,效力应该赋予这些强制性规则,而不考虑约束该合同的法律。
Any such agreement would however be subject to the mandatory rules of the domestic law governing the contract. 不过,任何此类协议都必须遵守管辖合同的国内法的强制性规则。
But such considerations cannot go too far to view the application of mandatory rules of law as a duty imposed on arbitrators, except for the purpose of the protection of truly or transnational public policy. 但是不能走得太远,以至于认为适用强制性规则构成一项义务,除非涉及到对跨国的或真正的国际公共政策的维护。
The mandatory rules should be introduced prudently; Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law. 引入公司法律规范时,特别应慎重对待强制性规范;第一章为强制性规则概述。
Then the dissertation continues to supply an analysis on the issue of arbitrability of disputes involving mandatory rules of law from certain perspectives, such as national judicial practices, statutory claims, public policy and philosophy of law. 其次,从一些国家司法实践的发展演变、法定权利请求、公共政策及法理等角度分析了有关强制性规则的争议的可仲裁性问题。
The foremost issue in this dissertation is about the definition of mandatory rules of law, which refers to an imperative provision of law which must be applied to an international relationship irrespective of the law that governs that relationship. 该部分界定了所本文讨论的国际私法意义上的强制性规则的定义,即法律的一项强制性规定,该规定必须适用于某一跨国法律关系,而不考虑支配该关系的法律为何。
Chapter 1 deals with the summary of mandatory rules of law. 第一章为强制性规则概述。
The antitakeover amendment must not violate the mandatory rules of the Company Law. And the articles of association can be provided permissively when it comes to optional rules, but it should be limited by subjective legality. 公司章程反收购修改不得违反公司法强制性规范,对公司法的任意性规范公司章程可以自由规定,但要受到主观合法性的限制。
The validity of the contracts in violation of mandatory rules is a timeless subject, also is a deal with the basic theory of the relationship between the autonomy of private law and public law enforcement. 违反强制性规范的合同效力是一个历久弥新的论题,也是一个处理私法自治与公法强制之间关系的基础理论问题。